By: Bobot Apit

Jan 27, 2011 - Thursday Meditation (Live in God's Light!) 
Jesus remarks that nothing can remain hidden or secret. How tempting to shut our eyes from the consequences of our sinful ways and bad habits, even when we know what those consequences are. And how tempting to hide them from others and even from God. But, nonetheless, everything is known to God who sees all. There is great freedom and joy for those who live in God's light and who seek this truth.  Do you know the joy and freedom of living in God's light? 
Thursday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time 
Hebrew 10:19-25 
Psalm 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 
Mark 4:21-25 And he said to them, "Is a lamp brought in to be put under a bushel, or under a bed, and not on a stand? 22 For there is nothing hid, except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret, except to come to light. 23 If any man has ears to hear, let him hear." 24 And he said to them, "Take heed what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you. 25 For to him who has will more be given; and from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away." 

Meditation by Don Schwager 
What does the image of light and a lamp tell us about God's kingdom? Lamps in the ancient world served a vital function, much like they do today. They enable people to see and work in the dark and to avoid stumbling. The Jews also understood "light" as an expression of the inner beauty, truth, and goodness of God. In his light we see light ( Psalm 36:9). His word is a lamp that guides our steps (Psalm 119:105). God's grace not only illumines the darkness in our lives, but it also fills us with spiritual light, joy, and peace. Jesus used the image of a lamp to describe how his disciples are to live in the light of his truth and love. Just as natural light illumines the darkness and enables one to see visually, so the light of Christ shines in the hearts of believers and enables us to see the heavenly reality of God's kingdom. In fact, our mission is to be light-bearers of Christ so that others may see the truth of the gospel and be freed from the
blindness of sin and deception. 
Jesus remarks that nothing can remain hidden or secret. We can try to hide things from others, from ourselves, and from God. How tempting to shut our eyes from the consequences of our sinful ways and bad habits, even when we know what those consequences are. And how tempting to hide them from others and even from God. But, nonetheless, everything is known to God who sees all. There is great freedom and joy for those who live in God's light and who seek this truth. Those who listen to God and heed his voice will receive more from him. Do you know the joy and freedom of living in God's light? 
"Lord Jesus, you guide me by the light of your saving truth. Fill my heart and mind with your light and truth and free me from the blindness of sin and deception that I may see your ways clearly and understand your will for my life. May I radiate your light and truth to others in word and deed." 
Supplementary Reading 
Are You Interruptible? 
"...little children were brought to Him...but the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them...' and He laid His hands on them and departed from there." -Matthew 19:13-14 
Interruptions may be part of God's plan for our lives. 
Not long ago, we came across an idea that positively fascinated me: One of the most notable characteristics of Christ was that He was "interruptible." 
This really intrigued me...I'd never thought of this before. In fact, Jesus was so interruptible that if you remove all the interruptions from the Gospel accounts, there's not much ministry left! He was interrupted constantly, yet He never missed an opportunity to "be about His Father's business." It almost seems as if Jesus' actual strategy was to make Himself available to be interrupted. 
The only occurrence when Christ sets His focus and pursues it with uninterruptible resolve is when it's His time to journey to Jerusalem for His sacrificial death and glorious resurrection. Other than this notable exception, His central conviction in life seems to be allowing Himself to be continually interrupted. 
What does this mean to you and me?" I believe it's this: We should see every interruption or change in plans as an opportunity. Christ did amazing, life-saving miracles during His lifetime of interruptions. Let His example guide your life and style of living. 
Father, I want to make my time YOUR time. I want to be used in my lifetime for Your heavenly purposes. Interrupt me, Lord, with a nudge, a voice, or a thought. Stir my heart to accept Your call. Amen.  - Jim Coleman.

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